SG ALL OVER THE WORLD 🗺️ Roland from Lienz/Austria
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Roland comes from Lienz, he loves ❤ to be in the high mountains ⛰️ in East Tyrol. Not only with family and friends snowboarding 🏂 in winter, but also on the hillside slopes in summer for haymaking.
These pictures were made in Vilgratental where he shows us some perfect toe- and heelside turns in Hay-Carving 😃👍.
He sends greetings 👋 from the haymaking in the Alpine mountains of Vilgratental valley.
„Ich komme aus Lienz, bin aber immer gerne im Osttiroler Oberland (Tessenberg, Villgratental). Am liebsten fahre ich am Thurntaler mit meinem Board 🏂 und am schönsten ist es, wenn ein paar Snowboardfreunde 🏂🤩 mit dabei sind.“
📷: Private | Deck: SG FULL RACE PRO TEAM | Location: Vilgraten, Osttirol